In Progress Writing!!! Romance

The Dream Visitor

-Chapter One- “Oof!” Scarlet pulled the dusty book off her chest. “Dream Visitors: The Guidelines and Who They Are.”  she read, flipping open the heavy golden cover.  Chapter One: What Are Dream Visitors? Dream visitors are humans with fairy blood. They tend to gain their power and ability around the age of ten, and are able to control people’s thoughts and dreams. Every so often, there is a nightdreamer, or someone who uses their ability…

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The Tale of Two People

An first-time attempt to write a romance novel! Prologue 16 year-old Maple didn’t know exactly how she was made for nature. After all, everyone said she was made for nature. The way she went out every morning, the wind blowing her chestnut brown hair, to water the tulips and daffodils, with not another thing in mind but to sit on her rock and bury her head in the latest book about nature she had checked…

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