Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter Nine | “Okay, so we are going to follow this path-” Scarlet indicated the thin trail of marble shards scattered on the ground. “-and it should lead us to the Devils Pit.” “Great. And what if it doesn’t?” Kammie wondered, but Scarlet shook her head. “No what ifs” she said, and so the tired group trudged on. Kammie wondered what her mother was doing right now. Was Grandpa taking a nap? Her mother…

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Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 7 | “Okay, seriously, how long are we going to be walking?” Nuri asked, her heaving chest visible through her cloudy flames. “I’m not really sure,” Scarlet answered, and Kammie looked up in surprise. “You mean you don’t know where we are going?” she asked, gasping in the cold air of, well, wherever they were. Cliffs jutted out of towering mountains, piles of snow heaped onto their rocky sides. The frozen grass crunched…

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Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 6 | “Me?” Kammie asked, wondering if there had been a mistake. “But… I can’t do anything. All I have done so far is destroy your family!” “No, you have helped us adapt to different places. Situations. And that has helped us so much. Think of everything we have done so far, we made memories, and with a human, of all things!” “I guess..” Kammie thought, not really believing. “Anyway, when should we…

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Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 5 | “So, uh, you still haven’t told me why I’m here, exactly,” Kammie started, but Scarlet immediately answered, “We have theories, of course, but nothing is set in stone yet,” ‘And… What are those theories?” Kammie pushed, wondering why Scarlet was hesitating.  “Well, I think that the shadows are after you, whether in your world or ours, I don’t know. I think they moved our barrier so that you would walk through…

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Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 4 | “Uh, is that storm cloud something normal around here?” Kammie asked, backing away from the cloud thousands of miles away. Scarlet looked up and gasped. “It’s back-” she cried, and all the other flames turned toward the shadow. “What? What does that thing do? What can it do? Do we need to do something?” Kammie knew she sounded like her mother, but this was real. “It’s called a Dark Shadow, and…

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