Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 6 |

“Me?” Kammie asked, wondering if there had been a mistake. “But… I can’t do anything. All I have done so far is destroy your family!” “No, you have helped us adapt to different places. Situations. And that has helped us so much. Think of everything we have done so far, we made memories, and with a human, of all things!” “I guess..” Kammie thought, not really believing. “Anyway, when should we get going somewhere else?” “We probably aren’t going to move until Dark Shadow is over, but if we are desperate, we might leave.” Suddenly, a huge storm of clouds circled around the cave. “It-it’s Dark Storm!” Scarlet gasped, but a familiar voice called, “It’s Gray Storm, and I’m not even that.” The clouds parted, revealing…

Hestia!” Kammie cried, the familiar face barely visible.  “How could you!” Scarlet demanded, “We thought you were dead! We gave you a home, family, life, everything you could ever want, and you betrayed us!” “Dark Shadow offered me far more than you ever did. All I had to do was catch the human girl in her own trap. Bring her to this world, and all the land will be mine!” Hestia shrieked.  “Hestia, you don’t know what you’re talking about! This isn’t who you are!” Kammie cried, but Hestia thundered, “I am the daughter of the shadows! I pretended to be your daughter! I was switched with your real daughter by an infesting shadow, and pretended to have the mind-reading nonsense of yours! I never had that. I am invincible, because now all I have to do is take some of a popping emberling, and then I will read minds, have fire, and still be able to shape shift and move through anything!”

Kammie’s brain swirled, as it tried to figure out this fact. “I have been attacking your family for the past few days, and now, I will show you who I truly am!” Hestia (or rather the daughter of the shadows), morphed into an ugly, woman, with gray skin, long, dirty black hair, and a dusty robe. “Enjoy!” she sneered, before vanishing. Scarlet collapsed to the ground. “No no no no…” she cried, tears streaming down her face. “How could she do this? To us, her family!” she gasped, but then added, “Or who I thought was her family,” This seemed to break her, and she bent over with whimpers. Sunniva and Cyra, Fiammetta and Seraphina, the twins, all looked dumbfounded by this news. Sunniva and Fiammetta slipped to the ground, and Ig stared at the wall, as if these new facts had frozen him. “C’mon. Let’s get you guys to bed.” Kammie began.

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