In Progress Writing!!! Romance

Dear Allies

Chapter Two

I stayed up late last night. First I was frightened. Did the Nazi suspect me? Would Hitler march into my house, demanding to see me? 

Then I got angry. How dare Hitler take over my country? Take away my culture, my way of life? Who said he could rule the world? Mutter. And Vater. And almost all of Germany. What could I do to stop him? 

Then it hit me. 

What if I wrote a letter to the Allies? And then one to the Nazis? To Hitler? 

The letter to the Allies could be asking them for help, to plan a secret attack, and the letter to Hitler could be an order, a fake document where the Nazis decided as one that they no longer wanted to serve Hitler. This would hopefully make Hitler get rid of them before the Allies come. 

Of course, I couldn’t just say, “we won’t serve you” in the letter, because the Nazis would have no idea this was even planned. They would still serve Hitler, whether they wanted to or not. 

I decided to write the letter to the Allies first, so that they understood and could start gathering troops and information. Then I could send it tomorrow, before writing the one to Hitler. 


Dear Allies,

My name is Emilia Muller. I am a Jewish German living in Occupied Germany. Germany needs your help. Hitler is taking over, and killing us Jews like dust to flick off their fancy uniforms. I know how we can stop Hitler: I live in Austria, right by Hitler’s house/the Headquarters of the Nazis. If you can meet me there on the 30th of September, we can take care of Hitler. The Nazis can be all taken as prisoners of war, if they are even still around. 


Emilia Muller

I sent my letter the next day, bribing a Nazi to let my letter go without being censored. I also sent my letter to Hitler, pretending I was a huge fan of him and I needed to send him a letter, because he was the hero of Germany: 

Dear Herr Hitler, 

We -the official German police- are signing off of our duties to the Fuhrer.  We will officially dis-continue our assignments on the 12th of September. Please meet with Hermann Göring for further clarification and communication. 

Heil Hitler! 

Albert Abicht

Hermann Josef Abs

Karl Ferdinand Abt

Ernst Achenbach

Eberhard Achterberg

Josef Ackermann

Christoph Gustav Ernst Ahl

Günther Altenburg

Otto Ambros

Kunigunde Bachl

Ludwig Friedrich Barthel

Friedrich Franz Bauer

Hans Baumann

Eleonore Baur

Walter Becher

Helene Bechstein

Peter Emil Becker

Heinrich Behmann

Josefa Berens

Claus Bergen

Ernst Bergmann 

Hugo Bernatzik

German Bestelmeyer

Friedrich Bethge

Wilhelm Beyer

Heinrich Beythien

Ludwig Bieberbach

Hans Biebow

Dorothea Binz

Horst Birr

Otto Christian Archibald von Bismarck

Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing

Walter Bitterlich

Herbert Blankenhorn

Hanns Blaschke

Wilhelm Blaschke

Anneliese Bläsing

Johannes Blaskowitz

Leopold Blauensteiner

Kurt Blecha

Karl Blessing

Karl Blessinger

Willi Bloedorn

Werner von Blomberg

Heinrich Blume

Walter Blume

Rudolf Bockelmann

Peter Boenisch

Herbert Böhme

Andreas Bolek

Ernst Bollmann

Otto Friedrich Bollnow

Friedrich Bolte

Helmut de Boor

Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Borgward

Taras Borodajkewycz

Hugo Ferdinand Boss

Maximilian Böttcher

Johanna Braach

Fritz Bracht

Therese Brandl

Heinz Brandt

Peter Paul Brauer

Otto Bräutigam

Arno Breker

Hans Karl Breslauer

Martin Broszat

Hugo Bruckmann

Helmuth Brückner

Walter Brugmann

Otto Brunner

Ewald Bucher

Karl von Buchka

Erwin Bumke

Hans Bunge

Wilhelm Amsinck Burchard-Motz

Adolf Butenandt

Rudolf Buttmann

Christopher Leblanc

All those names were simply made-up names that I had created to sell the lie. I even borrowed the typewriter at the Post Office to perfect everything. “Heinrich Behmann” is Sophie’s father, who is a pure Nazi through and through. I hate him. It would break Sophie’s heart, or I guess it would break a normal girl’s heart, but Sophie will just go around saying, “My father was killed by the Fuhrer himself!”.  I couldn’t help but put him on the list.