Last Minute Reads!

Dear Future Me,

I hope that when I grow up, I’m not like the snobby, insecure people that I been so unfortunate to come upon. I hope that I am kind and considerate, and that God leads me and that I trust him. I hope that I don’t spend my whole life wasting away while staring at a computer. I don’t want to live life thinking about what other people think of me. I don’t want to constantly be asking myself, are you too fat for your age? Or, What if people hate the essay I wrote? Who cares if people hate your essay? It was an optional topic, and you chose to write about the life cycle of a beetle. So? I don’t want people to judge so much, and I don’t want to be the one who judges.

I want people to not know who I am, but recognize the meaning of what I stand for: the beauty of nature. After all, who cares if they die in Minecraft if you can wake up to the quaking and rustle of the beautiful tree in your yard? The blooming flowers? The rolling dew on the grass?

I want people to be them, not who their friends and family want them to be. As the oldest in my family, I set the bar for everyone born after me. My hobbies are their hobbies, because if our parents are proud of my hobby, then the younger kids all want to also be admired.

I don’t blame them, for I myself have done the very same for someone I venerate. But I wish so very hard that they do what they enjoy. Maybe they do like writing as much as I do. Maybe they do like acting as I do. But maybe they don’t. I want them to know that, for sure, they should do everything that they love without a second thought of, well, will they care? because you should have such a longing, such a jumpiness in your stomach when you think of writing, or drawing, or acting that you can’t help but do what your dream is.