Discriptions Last Minute Reads!

A Day Away From Home-Calming Moments

The mountains sliced into the cobalt blue sky, the sun barely peeking out from behind a mix of blushing pink and purple clouds, that created an aurora over the towering aspen trees, the sun turning the leaves a deep golden. A stream ran over frosted stones in the distance, and a roaring waterfall rushed into a silver pool of flashing fish.

The echo of crickets slowly faded as the rays of sunlight rose over the hills of emerald grass, fresh dew clinging to every blade. The refreshing scent of rain lingering in the air as close to bursting blackberries hung heavily in rich clumps of sweetness. Frosted strawberries barely clung to their leafy bushes, as plump pumpkins sat contently on the ground, their weight bending the thick, dark green vines that wrapped around the thin ropes that ended in bulging plum colored grapes.

Lush green bushes grew to hide giant watermelons, their thick rinds unrelenting to the eager ants that crawled up and down their dinner. Spiky bushes covered their treasure, the cherry red raspberries, and the now creamy white clouds drifted gently on their road across the sky. Every rise and fall of the sun awoke and caused slumber to the forest.

A calming wind rushed through the forest, causing the many leaves to rustle and the birds to worriedly chirp to their chicks. The coyotes dozed in the sun. This was the life they all loved.