Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 2 |

Kammie hurried into the classroom just as the bell rang. She sat down heavily in her science class. Mrs. Stevenson glared at her as she got out her science book. “Late again? And with no pass,” Later, Mrs. Stevenson yelled at her about reading in class. “Miss Kamilia Clark! Just what do you think you are doing!” She yanked the book out of Kammie’s hand and opened it to a random place. “Salmon fish like to mate in fall. There are seven species of Pacific salmon…” Mrs. Stevenson rolled her eyes. Mia Simmons smirked. As the class bully, she hardly did anything else. “You think you’re so smart, but you’re really a nerd, and you know it.” She whispered. She didn’t really need to whisper, because, for some annoying reason, Mrs. Stevenson definitely  chose class favorites. And hers was Mia Simmons.

Finally, the recess bell rang. The class ran out of the classroom faster than you can say “Science”. Kammie slowly walked out of the classroom, to join the other students. She walked right into Mia. Great. Mia grinned. “Ah, hello Kammie. How’s your reading going? You still the same dork you were yesterday?” Charlotte and Emma, Mia’s sidekicks, sniggered. Emma teased, “Yeah Kammie, what ya gonna do? Call your dad? Oh wait, you can’t, because he’s dead!” Kammie’s eyes filled with tears.  Of course people knew what happened, but they had never used it against her, not even Mia. Without thinking, Kammie gave  Emma the biggest push she could. Emma stubbled, then fell. Mia and Charlotte narrowed their eyes, as they helped Emma up. “You’re gonna regret that!” Charlotte yelled, as they helped lead Emma away. 

“And then, Charlotte said that I was gonna regret it,” Kammie informed her mom, as they climbed the side of the steep mountain. Her mom had decided to take her on a hike after school, and tall pine trees made the whole thing feel like a maze. Mom shook her head. “Bullies can be hard to handle, these days.” she said. They had just stopped for their water break, when Kammie gasped. “Mom, I think I gotta go to the bathroom!” she said, urgency coating her voice.

A few minutes later, she found herself in the woods. She called for her mom, but nobody answered. She was on her own. She wandered around, but eventually gave up and went looking for some dinner. She lifted a tree trunk. Nothing. She looked under a rock. Nothing. She had just lifted a log when she heard a twig snap. She turned around. “Mom?” She looked around. She turned back to her log, before gasping. A small ball of fire glowed in the darkness of the forest. “Wh-what a-are -y-y-you?” She stammered, backing away. “Hi! I’m Scarlet, and I am a popping emberling!” It-Scarlet-spoke! “I-I’m Scarlet, I m-mean I’m K-K-Kammie!” She stuttered, looking at the flames. “Let me take you to my house!” Scarlet said, motioning for Kammie to follow. All Kammie could think was, I found an element. They’re still alive.  I found an element. They’re still alive.  I found an element. They’re still alive.  I found an element. They’re still alive.  I found an element. They’re still alive.

Read Chapter Three to find out more about the elements! 

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