Lost in the Legends

Lost in the Legends

| Chapter 1 |

Kammie hurried up the stone steps of her house, gasping for breath. In her hands, she clutched a book. This book was not the usual, boring homework assignment. This book was the last book she had from her dad. Her father had disappeared on his flight to Honolulu, and this had been his favorite book. He had read it thousands of times, the creases on the spine preparing the book for its fall.

She dusted herself off, before slowly opening the door. “Mom?” she called quietly, the silent house almost deafening. She found her mom sleeping on the kitchen table, her hands clutching a cup of cold coffee. “Mom?” Kammie asked, shaking her gently. Her mom jumped up, frantic. “Did the house burn down! Are you okay?” her mom stood up and examined Kammie. “Where is Grandpa? Is he okay?” Kammie’s grandpa, Stan, hobbled into the room. “Kamilia? What is Stacey talking about, something with a grandpa?” Kammie took a deep breath. “No, mom, the house did not burn down, and no, grandpa, she wasn’t talking about anything. Mom, you need to stop watching those horror movies.” Kammie pushed grandpa out of the room, before turning to mom. “Mom, houses do not burn down very often, for one, and two, remember, we have never had to call 911.” Mom sighed. “I know. I know. It’s just…” Her mom trailed off. “Don’t worry, I’ll get grandpa ready for bed and you go get some sleep.” Her mom nodded sleepily, already thinking of dreams.

Kammie helped grandpa into bed, gave him his medicine, and tucked him in for bed. Kammie shut her bedroom door, and plopped down on her bed. She opened her book, Exploring Nature By Julia Robbins. She loved the watercolor paintings of birds, flowers, trees, and mountains. Paragraphs of words streamed into neat paragraphs, and the pages seemed to come to life. Her father had told her stories about the element people, created of fire, water, and earth. He had said that they had once lived happily together, helping people, but people soon chased away those elements, scattering them. They soon become extinct. People had struggled to cover it up, which was why no one knew about it. But he believed they were still out there. Hiding. Kammie sighed, closing the book and turning out the light. As she pulled up the covers, she thought about this theory. Of course she believed him. Didn’t she?

Read the next Lost in the Legends chapter next to find out what happens.

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