Discriptions Last Minute Reads!

Life On a Butterfly’s Wings

The sunlight shone through the thick, silky branches, and the sound of a calm, silvery stream tinkled like a bell somewhere. Flowers grew along the silver stream, big, and bursting with color. A hummingbird hovered over a blue one, and it seemed to fly in a slightly silky way. A gentle breeze shook the trees, and a soft shhhhhhhhhh seemed to rock the forest floor. Gentle swirls of thin smoke lingered in the air from a while a way, something the wind had brought from its travels. A bird’s song rolled smoothly through the grass, the sweet soothing sound  bringing hope and joy.

A faint cuckoo cuckoo whispered in  the distance. Big, juicy raspberries hung over the edge of the path, their bright red color almost glowing. Plump golden brown squash grew amongst thick green vines, and round grapes threatened to pop. Pods of milkweed were so filled that a thick creamy white liquid dripped out of the sturdy green pod. Fresh shiny dew collected in small puddles on the dark green grass.

A fluffy, creamy white cloud hovered above and soon light, sparkling rain fell onto the thick, tangled bushes. A long, bursting rainbow split the sky in half, hovering above the towering mountains and peaks jutting from the ground. Hopeful bluebirds sang quietly, the notes clear in the fresh breaths of mountain air. The rain brought out the strong smell of fresh dirt, and frosted strawberries hung heavily on their bushes. Crisp apples sat happily covered in a thin layer of water, and thick golden honey dripped from the huge oak trees. Golden bees swarmed around the trunk.

Fat, shiny blackberries hung on thick brown branches, and sprouts sprung up from the ground with joy. Fine, thin woven silver webs were strung through the sparkling leaves, and glistening lakes were filled with flashing silver fish. Small wobbling stepping stones shone at night in the moonlight, and in the honey-gold sun, juicy tomatoes, glossy cherries, and the hard rinds of firm pumpkins were lit up until the fading sunsets that were painted across the sky. Endless meadows overflowing with colors stretched across the land, and snowy white jack rabbits eagerly hopped through bright, sunny flowers where small, smoothly stripped poppy seeds were scattered on the ground.

Butterflies fluttered through the spinning leaves that were strung onto the bright white aspen branches. The trees created a canopy of shelter, in which soft spotted cats lay, bathed in the warm sunlight, and parrots shrieked, a noise that carried over the valley. Ribbons of light streamed through the trees, and a tinge of cool lingered in the warm summer air, and the soft rustle of the giant cottonwoods made the whole forest feel like home.  Swirls of silver mist lay lightly on the ground, the rustling echo of the wind thundered over the valley. Sunlight reflected on the pools, sending thin strands of light shooting into the morning air.

Tiny streams ran through the forest, the calm blub blub bubble soothing to creatures that were slowly rising out of their homes. A contented swish swish swishy shook the forest, the sound of the trees awakening. Over the valley, black storm clouds poured water down on the mountains far far away. Cavernous caves lay hidden in the peaks, and thick glossy bushes hid bunches of berries in their midst. Roaring rivers reflected a kaleidoscope of colors, and wisps of stray clouds gathered together at the edge of the forest.

Swirls of color painted the land, as the golden sun rose high in the beautiful crystal sky, as chipmunks chittered, bullfrogs croaked, and squirrels skittered across the emerald grass. Oranges glittered and sparkled in clumps, and over the valley, where wild roses shone their bright, brilliant red, and sunflowers sang to the sky. Small daisy buds unfolded like a letter, their words clear in the air, Cherry blossoms bloomed, their blushing colors quickly spreading throughout the mountains. Handsome koalas hung from their perches in the treetops, their fuzzy joeys popping out of their pouches.

Kangaroos jumped around, pulling flower petals out of their pouches and throwing them like colorful flowery fireworks. Clumps of heavy, sopping wet moss hung from their perches atop dirt-covered ledges, and tall, breezy sticks of bamboo grew, as chubby panda bears sat happily munching their fill. Thick gloopy mud covered some areas of the forest, where pink hippopotamuses lay, and plums hung like amethyst, the emerald leaves shaking, their branches bowed, as though the fruit was making the tree sag with effort.

White, red spotted mushrooms sprouted on the mossy trunks of fallen trees, and long, glossy worms wriggled on the ground. Snails slide up the thick trunks of trees, the spiky bark poking out of the soft, tender skin underneath. Spiders smoothly crawled over the firm black roots of the tree, and snakes slithered under rustling leaves. Glistening seed pods hung from the trees, and the occasional plop of  a seed hitting the ground.

Water dripped from above onto the silvery lakes, and weaved brown nests sat contently on thickly built branches. Bright orange carrots shot out of the ground, and glossy onion sprouts grew strong. Potatoes with their golden brown skins and pearly white flesh lay burrowed in the overturned dirt. The mountain view painted as if with watercolor, the colors fading in and out of sight.

Thin ribbons of water were strung through paths of small stones set into the ground. In the west, storm clouds gathered, as electric strikes of light split the sky. And at night, under the silver moon, constellations burned bright, forming hundreds of shapes. Light dances across the forest green, turning it into a Wonderland. Fireflies swoop through the trees, hovering lightly above the silver stream. The warm daylight is soon transformed into a still, whispering night. The whole forest is reshaping into a land of living dreams… 

This is a description of a forest (Unfortunately not a book series,).

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